Sirius Graduation
What better way to celebrate the success of 19 UK start-up companies than at a prestigious graduation event at the Shard? The evening reception and presentation event recognised how much work and commitment the young entrepreneurs had invested to get to the graduation stage. Mentored by 5 different accelerators throughout the UK, the international entrepreneurs were challenged to set up a company in the UK and make it a success, contributing to the UK economy.
Having provided logistical and event management support for the Sirius Programme over a period of two and a half years, this was the second graduation event we have organised and it was even bigger and better than before! We worked closely with the team at The Office Group in the Shard to prepare the venue for the event, as it was a work space during the daytime so it meant a very fast turnaround, coordinating the registration process, entrepreneur and speaker briefing, catering requirements and welcoming all guests to the event.
Security was paramount at The Shard so we made sure that there were Bracken staff at all points of contact to facilitate a swift and easy entry into the venue for both entrepreneurs and visitors alike.
In the audience there were the accelerators who had mentored the entrepreneurs, a variety of investors, high profile business people, academics and industry professionals, not to mention very proud family and friends of the entrepreneurs themselves. One entrepreneur from Afghanistan who had set up a business here in the UK came with her daughter who was brimming at her Mum’s success.
Bracken’s management of the event ensured that it ran like clockwork and was a great success, with lots of networking opportunities for everyone involved.
The culmination of this work has been the pleasure of seeing our international entrepreneurs set up a successful business here in the UK and find further investment to keep them going here for a long time to come.
Congratulations everyone and all the best for the future. Let’s see those businesses grow and grow!
Feedback received throughout the event has been incredibly positive, both from our clients running the Sirius Programme and from the applicants themselves.

“I wanted to extend my thanks to each of you for your support, help and delivery for the graduation and networking event yesterday. It is fantastic to have such a great team of people to work with”
Please see all feedback on the event here : https://storify.com/Siriusprog/the-final-graduation